Friday, January 21, 2011

Pyramids of Giza

Building this in 20 years would involve installing approximately 800 tonnes of stone every day. Similarly, since it consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks, completing the building in 20 years would involve moving an average of more than 12 of the blocks into place each hour, day and night. The first precision measurements of the pyramid were done by Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie in 1880–82 and published as The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. Almost all reports are based on his measurements. Many of the casing stones and inner chamber blocks of the Great Pyramid were fit together with extremely high precision. Based on measurements taken on the north eastern casing stones, the mean opening of the joints is only 0.5 millimeters wide (1/50th of an inch).


  1. Those are some amazing statistics. I've always wanted to see the Pyrimids.

  2. It is amazing what you can get done with 50 million jewish slaves.

  3. I wish i could go to Egypt one day... The pyramids just fascinate me, all of their mysterious and precisions with the stars. Just brilliant!
